IT security is indispensable for any modern administration heavily impacted by IT processes. The proliferation and interconnection of data processing systems and new solutions and procedures such as cloud computing mean that the threats posed by cyber attacks are multiplying apace. While these attacks mainly targeted private companies in the past, authorities and public administrations are now increasingly becoming the focus of assailants.
We offer you expert support in protecting your systems, applications and infrastructures. In doing so, we rely on nationally and internationally recognized standards such as ISO 27001 and the IT Grundschutz catalogue from the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI). In setting up, upgrading and auditing your IT security organizations, we attach outmost importance to practice-based, proven procedures, and place our entire range of services at your disposal.
One of our particular focuses is on creating and implementing IT security solutions for security-critical environments and entire business units. In the process, we pay special attention to making sure that our security procedures support the business objectives of your organization. To do this, we rely on state-of-the-art security solutions that can be combined to respond to specific needs.
Benefit from our skills and proficiency. Our experience in IT security is based on numerous IT security projects for authorities and public administrations. Our expertise focuses on the following areas:
- Application security
- Authentication solutions
- Firewalls
- Identity & access management
- Intrusion detection
- IT Grundschutz
- ISO 27001
- Network security
- Emergency planning
- Public key infrastructures (PKI)
- Penetration tests
- Risk analyses
- Risk management
- Security policy
- Security audits
- Security in the cloud
- Security manual
- Security solutions
- Security awareness
- Security guidelines
- Security organization
- Security processes
- Single sign-On
- Encryption
- Trusted business processes
Get in touch
Werner Achtert
Head of Public Sector
[icon phone] +49 69 580045 1222
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