In many organizations, the IT has been developed gradually over time, with the demands of the moment prompting extensions of existing processes at short notice. This has continually increased the complexity of the IT landscape, and the cost of implementing even minor changes has risen disproportionately as a result.
This situation is aggravated by the fact that the requirements made of IT strategy due to business demands in the specialist departments are currently undergoing fairly rapid change. Some of the influencing factors that account for this state of affairs are:
- Budgetary pressures that force cost savings in specialist departments
- The fusion of separate authorities into service centers
- Process flows that involve multiple authorities or even administrative levels
- New e-government Services
In this situation, many IT managers are faced with the challenge of bringing further medium and long-term development of their administrative IT into harmony with the business goals of the specialist departments. One aggravating factor is that new regulatory or other requirements of extreme short-term urgency continually interfere with attempts to realign the IT with the “big picture”.
In response to this situation, msg has developed an efficient, practicable solution that comprises the following steps:
We consult the authority directors and department heads to obtain a structured breakdown of their business goals for the next five to ten years and process the results.
Get in touch
Werner Achtert
Head of Public Sector
[icon phone] +49 69 580045 1222
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