Your way to the cloud
Your way to the cloud
Make your company future-proof!
Cloud usage is an essential part of digitalization – for your company as well. But are you still searching for the perfect balance of established standards and solutions, ones that are specifically tailored to you and your industry? Then we are the right partner for you!
We work with you to quickly and efficiently establish your market position in the era of digitalization. Start your journey to the cloud right now – and strive for growth even in dynamic times.
Get to know more about our service portfolio with the established solution provides AWS, Microsoft, SAP and the Gaia-X project.
Franz Fisch
Head Cloud
Products & Development
- [icon phone]+49 151 11 73 06 21
- [icon envelope-o]
How the cloud benefits you:
Cloud services can be easily and quickly scaled up or down, thereby offering considerable elasticity.
Central management of compliance requirements, as well as access and rights, ensures security.
Our service spectrum for your business in the cloud
Range of services
{icon edit} Strategy & Concept
- Cloud strategy and roadmap
- Digital platform strategy
- Technical architecture and migration planning
- Manufacturer independent
{icon street-view} Innovation & Transformation
- Public cloud transformation
- Migration of applications and systems
- Technology trends: IoT, AI, ML, automation
- Digital workplace & modern collaboration
{icon cubes} Software & Platform Development
- DevOps development approach & consulting
- Cloud native application and platform development
- Mobile & web development
- Serverless architectures and microservices
{icon lock} Security & Compliance
- Security by design: Design of secure and highly-available cloud native applications
- Governance, risk & compliance
- Security operations & automation
- Penetration tests and code reviews
{icon mixcloud} Infrastructure & Operation
- Managed public cloud services
- Monitoring and backup services
- Multicloud / hybrid cloud
- Support and service center
{icon check} Services
- Workshops & trainings
- Customer care
- Architecture review
- Agile project management
Cloud Assessment
Cloud Assessment
We would be happy to coordinate the framework conditions for your cloud assessment
with you and create an offer tailored to your needs.
References & examples
Successful cloud migration
Successful cloud migration
Faster invoicing, less downtime: With msg’s help, the host of order and delivery platforms in 41 countries around the world, Delivery Hero, now uses the AWS cloud.
Cash-free and contactless payment at outdoor swimming pools: DIPKO successfully uses the cloud for digital access management – and in doing so, is able to offer public utilities exclusive benefits.
Collaboration in the cloud
Collaboration in the cloud
A modern collaboration solution for the Goethe-Institut: More than 2,700 employees can now communicate using the new platform.